Monday, December 1, 2014

This I Believe essays

Special features. (2005). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from

Summary: This is a collection of "This I Believe" essays and podcasts organized by topic.  

Review:  These short essays are engaging and are often models to help students craft their own belief statements.

Diversity: These essays feature diverse voices.

Suggestions for Teachers: These essays can serve as models for students to craft their own personal essays. They also can be used with various topical units. They can be used to analyze the craft of this type of non-fiction. Students may also contribute their own personal essay to This I Believe.
  1. Quantitative: N/A
  2. Qualitative: No background information is necessary. These essays are meant to stand alone. Depending on the subject and author, language will vary although it is overall contemporary and familiar. Organization often includes anecdotes or memories to support evidence and thesis.
Content Areas: English, Contemporary Issues, Social Studies

Common Core State Standards:

Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.

Relevant links: This I Believe
Subjects/Themes: English, Social Studies, Personal Narrative

Awards: N/A

Series Information: N/A

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